Thursday, 24 April 2014

Walk a while....

Decided to take a little walk today.

My second son is going on a missions trip to Vanuatu later this year, and so as part of the preparation I decided he should take a walk with me.
Only a little walk - about 12km.

He will walk much farther than that on his trip, and through bush and jungle.
We walked along paths and roadside dirt.

As we began our walk, he was saying things like "Oh yes, I understand it will be a long way" and other such things. I laughed gently to myself and thought "Yeah, his head understands it is a long walk, but I wonder what his feet will think of it in about two hours time.

I used to walk a fair bit - 5km to work and 5km back again, each day.
But it has been a while since I did much of that.
I do, however have some idea of walking with a backpack.

I will say that By about the three quarters mark we both were well and truly over the whole thing, but we were committed - some would say we should have been committed for trying it...

Anyway, we got there.
A few blisters on the feet, sore feet, aching legs, and my back, courtesy of the old injury, is not feeling 100% but we did it.

And he has a different appreciation of what he will be in for in a few months time.

We will walk some more - he needs it to prepare, and I could use the fitness.
But not this week. maybe not next week either - it might just wait until the memory has faded a little.

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