I rarely post anything about politics, preferring instead to leave the subject of politics up to the individuals.
It is not my right to tell people which way they should vote.
At the outside, I encourage people to vote according to Biblical values, but with many politicians in Australia it is almost impossible to find their views on ethical and Biblical matters.
However, in Australia recently the Labor Party has come out and said if they win the next election they will bring in fully publicly funded abortions.
In one news article about this political line there was a photo of a woman holding a placard that said "Legal abortions save lives".
LEGAL ABORTIONS DO NOT SAVE LIVES. Any abortion OF NECESSITY takes the life of the child - that is what an abortion is.
What the placard was suggesting is that illegal abortions are dangerous, and that is true, but many illegal things are dangerous, and those who do those illegal things take their chances.
EVERY ABORTION takes a life, but an illegal abortion only endangers the woman's life if she chooses to go down that path. No one is forcing her to get an illegal abortion - it is her choice.
Think about that placard in these terms: say that abortion for any reason is legal and as a result we have 100000 abortions each year. That is 100000 children whose lives are ended.
But if abortion is illegal, the number of abortions drops to 50000 (most likely it would be a far greater difference), and of those 50000 illegal abortions, half of them ended with the mother dying because of poor practices (the ratio would no doubt be far lower). This means that a total of 75000 lives are lost because of illegal abortion.
This is a net gain or 25000 - legal abortion DOES NOT save lives in any way shape or form. I don't know what the actual numbers are, and it doesn't really matter what the actual numbers are - the net difference is in favour of making abortion illegal.
In fact, the numbers that I have used here would most likely be extremely heavily swayed towards even greater lives saved by making abortion illegal.
If the total was 100000 abortions, and the practice was made illegal, the number would most likely be way less than half who would still seek abortion. A great number of women would not seek it as an illegal option.
And of those illegal abortions performed, the rate at which the mother would also be lost would be way less than 50% - how could even an illegal operator continue with anything approaching that kind of failure rate? In fact the number would most likely be a single figure percentage of failure, even as an illegal act.
So the claim that legal abortions save lives is absolutely false, and it is an emotive claim rather than a scientifically factual argument.
The murder of unborn children is a tragedy of mammoth proportions in today's world.
ANY POLITICAL PARTY that runs on a platform of financing abortions from the public purse is actually promoting government sanctioned and financed infanticide.
No one with any sort of conscience can vote for a party that not only condones, but in fact promotes the murder of unborn children.
And when people say that using terms such as "murder of unborn children" is emotive, so also is the use of terms such as "termination of pregnancy", and referring to an unborn child as "a foetus"- they are designed to take the attention away from the truth that it is the killing of a person - it is ending the life of a person. The fact that person is at that point in its mothers womb in no way detracts from that fact - that unborn child is a person.
I still think one of the greatest comparisons ever pointed out is that if they found a single celled organism on Mars, they would proclaim that they had found life, but a small cluster of cells that has every single piece of DNA information required to continue dividing and form into a complete person by today's standards "is not life".
What a joke - double standard to the extreme.
Abortion is murder, and no government should sanction, let alone fund murder of the most innocent of people.
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