Sunday, 31 July 2011


Finally starting on Gideon this morning - but there is so much about him that it will take several weeks to cover it.
Proverbs Friday was good - I mean, it is always good really, but there were a couple of verse that I had never really paid attention to.

Pro 29:18
(18)  Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

This verse is almost always used with only the first part quoted, and it is used to suggest that we need goals to aim for and to motivate us.
However, as with many of the verses in Proverbs it is written in positive and negative halves. People perish without vision, BUT and it is this but that provides context for the first half, as it is the opposite of no vision.

The opposite of no vision is "keepeth the Law" - this is basically heeding the Word of God.

Vision should come from God's Word - and let's face it, people don't perish without a church building program. People ultimately perish because they have not believed in Jesus Christ - which is what the Word of God is all about.

The vision that is being spoken of here, is a vision of God's Word that leads to action for God's purpose, which means that the Gospel is preached.

I think should have ended up on the other page.......


Friday, 29 July 2011

Encourage my wife.....

Just off to the right of this post is a link to "Simple Joy".

This is my wife's blog, and she is the reason I bothered with this in the first place - she was interesting in doing a blog, and asked if I would help her get one sorted.
So I investigated, and had a trial run.

She wrote the one poem on there, and hasn't touched it since.

The thing is, years ago she used to write poetry and prose, and a few songs too. She is a really creative person, and I think a talented writer. I have tried for years to get her to write - I keep telling her that she should be become a famous writer and make loads of money and keep me in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed......

But over the years we had kids, and life changes - and even in the most shared of marriages the wife does the bulk of house keeping and young age parenting. With four kids, she has been so busy that "unimportant things" had to be let go.

The kids are getting older now, and I think it is time for her to turn her attention back to the creative.

If you get the chance, click on over there, read her poem, and suggest she write more.

And she will read this and tell me off, but I don't care - I want her to write, and I want everyone else to see how talented and wonderful she is.


Theologically sound stuff...

It is hard to find stuff that is theologically sound.

I started thinking about this because I was looking for a devotional to do with my family, but it occurred to me that it is not only the internet that has this problem.

When you look at the Christian bookstore, it is so hard to find where an author stands - very, VERY few of them state who they are associated with.

Now I know that some will automatically reject a book if they know the author is from this mob or that mob - and in some circumstances that is entirely justified. There are some mobs who call themselves 'christian' but reject the Bible as the only authority.
The thing is, if you know where someone is coming from, then you can keep a guard for those things which you know to be contrary to your understanding of the Bible, while taking in those parts that are Biblical.

It is so hard though to find out where many authors, and websites stand.

I found a fair few devotionals and websites, but not one of the ones I looked at announced their doctrinal stand and position.

Now I know I have not announced it specifically, but I have outlines some beliefs, and I am not promoting doctrine here. If I get a website set up for our church, you can be certain that it will have a doctrinal statement on it.

Anyway, we are going to go through Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, and discuss it - I agree with most of his stuff, but probably just as important, I know where he stands on many things, and can cater for those things where he was a little off - which are few.

I wish websites and authors who are trying to teach Christian doctrine and concepts, would let everyone know where they stand.

I wonder if it is because they are afraid of losing potential market?


Thursday, 28 July 2011

Well my work week is done.

Yep my four days at the job that pays the bills is done with - that means tomorrow I can spend doing the things I want to do for the Lord.
I have a few things planned - want to drop some invitations around the area, see an accountant about the Church books, start getting stuck into the partitions to make the back area into a bit of a nursery, and talk to the shop about double glazing to make a 'cry room' area.
Somewhere amongst all that I have to finish off preparation for the messages this weekend.

When I was newly saved, I thought being a preacher would be fairly easy - after all you only work three hours a week! I didn't see the preparation that goes on behind the scenes.
And I didn't realise the things that people expect you to do!

I bought some automatic door closers for the toilet doors at church, and fitted one of them up, but ran out of time to fit the other. It sat for two weeks on the table in the kitchen where I left it, along with the drill and electric screwdriver nearby.
No-one else was capable of the difficult task of fitting!
So when I eventually found time, I fitted it up.

Now I don't mind doing things, and I know I am to be a servant, but when I used my Bible program to search, I couldn't find any mention in the duties of a Pastor that referred to fitting door closers, or to mowing lawns for that matter either.

In fact, as I searched I did find a reference to waiting tables.

Act 6:1-4
(1)  And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.
(2)  Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.
(3)  Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.
(4)  But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

Now I really don't mind doing some of the work around - in fact it gives me a break from the continual 'mind work' and I often enjoy it.
But people seem to think that the Pastor's job is to do everything that needs to be done, and the people's job is to sit and suck it all in.

Plain fact is that I have a lot of things I want to do for the Lord, but lots of things that get in the way of that. 
I don't need the help to push the things I need to be doing aside - I can find all sorts of excuses not to do the things I need to, without anyone else encouraging me to put them aside.

It is just so easy to get wrapped up in doing the good, while leaving the best aside.

I feel like a hero stuck in some sort of trap, straining to break free ""

Rom 7:15
(15)  For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.


Wednesday, 27 July 2011

This evening we showed that movie to our kids.

It was always going to be a bit challenging, because it talks about the fact that one of the major issues of Christianity today is people not taking responsibility, and particularly parents, and even more specifically fathers.

I know that, although I have tried and have the best of intentions, I fall miserably short in this area myself.

I think that I do better than many fathers, but the problem with that is that other fathers are not my standard. God's Word should be - and against that I don't do so great. And it doesn't make any difference at all how I compare with other fathers.

The really great thing is that after the movie finished, we had a discussion - now understand that three of my kids are teens, and one is just 8. They all had a bit of a say and it encouraged me greatly to see them understanding the basic premise of the movie.
What I found an even greater blessing is that it led to a discussion on being "real Christians".

I said a few weeks ago on a Wednesday night that if you look at the definition of the term Christian and compare most so called Christians today, you would find that most of are not qualified to use the name.
Christian means (more or less) little Christ - or little copy of Christ. The Believers at Antioch were called Christians first of all, and they were so because people were saying "You look just like the bloke you are always talking about".
People looked at them and saw Christ - when people look at most us they at the very best see a shallow, faint glimmer of something that vaguely reminds of Christ...... a little bit.

I have a lot of work to do personally on myself, and even more work to do on me as a Dad - and a lot of that needs to be replicated in the other Dad's I know.
Hopefully as I grow in this way, I can drag a couple of other Fathers along with me - even they come kicking and screaming.

And maybe, just maybe, as we fathers go on this journey of spiritual growth, we will find some younger feet following us.

Told you I was a dumb bloke - it takes an hour long movie and four perceptive kids to teach me what the Bible says.

Now I just have to get of my fat, lazy, backside, and actually do it!!!!!!

That is well and truly deep enough for this time.


Every now and then....

Every now and then you are challenged by something out of left field.

Yesterday I was sent a link to a short film called "Divided we stand". A young film maker decided to investigate why it was that so many young people are leaving the churches they grew up in and going full on into the world.

The premise interested me, as I also have wondered about that. I was saved at 16years old, so personally am a "first generation Christian", but a lot of the people who I then saw go through the church I was at, and some of the associated churches, jumped ship somewhere along the way.

While there are a few things that bugged me about the film, the basics were almost a solidifying of things that my wife and I have been talking about for some time, but had never joined all the pieces together.

The film asks if Youth groups and Sunday School are really Biblical, and maybe it is this reliance on non-Biblical things that is causing many children to grow up without a real respect for, or in some cases understanding of, God's Word.

It is obvious to me that the majority of Christians I meet have very little understanding of the Word of God, often even at a basic level. And I blame that on the modern idea of the "entertaining Church" - not that church should be boring, but the idea of 45 mins of songs and performance by bands etc, followed by 5 or 10 mins of weak preaching, may be entertaining, but it does not equip and strengthen "christians" for the warfare of life in this world. However that is a great description of most youth groups - the main focus is the fun and games, with a 5 mins devotion, if the kids are lucky. We talk against churches that do this is their main service, but this is what we do in our youth groups - we train them to at best search out this sort of service.

The main thought that impacted me about this though, is that Sunday School and Youth Group both take the place of teaching young people about the Lord, but that is a task that the Bible places fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the Parents, and most specifically on the Father.
Now I know that most guys are happy to let others take their responsibilities, particularly where family are involved - that is why we see so many women today taking the spiritual lead in families - they say "The guys won't do it, so I have to". What they don't realise is that the guys know full well that the ladies WILL do it, if they don't, so the guys don't bother. This is not universal, but it is common.

That same "Bloke" attitude can be seen in the situation that the movies explores as well. The guys see that the local Church will teach their children the things of the Lord for them, and they feel like they don't have to - so they don't. As a result the kids see that spiritual things are not important, and so they follow the example of the father, no matter how good the teaching of the Sunday school teachers and youth leaders may be - and then the parents blame the youth leader/sunday school teacher.

In their haste to teach the young people about the Lord (a good motive!) they are talking the responsibility away from the place where God put it, and in fact teaching by example that men can do God's thing in their own way.

Pro 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Is this what we are seeing? Men doing God's things Men's way - and it is indeed leading to spiritual death among the next generation?

Our church already has a separate hour before the main service, so that the whole family can be in for the main preaching. It is something that I have always felt was important, and while I didn't start it as soon as I took over here, I started it as soon as I thought people could handle another hour of teaching.
Funny thing is, although some people were complaining that they didn't much teaching here previously (Which was a lie really - they just weren't listening!), I can't get many adults to the adult Sunday School, and as a result we have few kids in junior Sunday School - we already have no "Middle Sunday School" and the all the kids over about 8 are in the adult Sunday School.

I have been wondering what to do about it, and I think I am beginning to form some ideas, prompted by this movie, which has rolled some of my thoughts and concerns into a ball that I had not put together myself.

Sometimes we need to be pushed a little from the side to help us realise what we can see - if that makes sense.

I am excited by the prospects of the ideas that are running through my head at the moment.

And they are not ideas of so called "better music" and "more dynamic service" - but ideas of far more intimate and directed teaching of those who should be taking their responsibilities.
I have wondered how to help people to forsake the milk of the Word and get into the meat - if they are 'forced' to take their responsibilities, then maybe, just maybe they will learn enough to be able to fulfill those responsibilities.

This could be far more than saving the next generation of children from forsaking the Lord - this could impact on every aspect of the Christian life of those within my reach and responsibility.
And it may stop more people forsaking the truth of God's Word over a few issues where they feel there is a lack, not of truth, but of practice.


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Up and at 'em!

Time to rise and shine and go out and conquer the world!

At least try to conquer the job that is sitting on my desk.

Thinking about it lately, and my life has been punctuated by the cars of my life.

I have broken down all over the place, and have been to all sorts of places often in vehicles that you probably rather not go there in.

But then again, I have had old FIAT's, and that is a recipe for 'automotive interest' if there ever was one.

The Italians it seems have a certain knack for making incredibly engaging machinery, but not always in the past the same knack for making them reliable.
I have some position of experience to speak from. I have owned one and a half FIAT's and half owned another one.

I have had a 128 sedan - 1300 and 4 speed box - absolute ripper, that never stopped and never burned oil. The oil dripped out the bottom so fast it didn't have the time to burn (thought it was a Land Rover that one!).
It also regularly overheated, but it never stopped.
Actually that was another problem - the brakes would occasionally fail. My girlfriend of the time (now wife) never knew - I just drove more gently and used the gears and handbrake. Worked. That was the half owned, as it was actually Dad's car. He never knew about the brakes because I never told him - he would not have been happy to know I drove it with no brakes. Come to think of it - now I think back I can understand why.
Get home check it over, fill the brake fluid and she would be good for another month - not even losing fluid, until then in the course of a single drive the fluid would disappear, and with it the brakes.
A FIAT 2300 sedan - 1967 limo - lovely car, but the previous owner knew nothing about cars and although we rebuilt the motor three times it never was reliable. One trip we actually used more oil than petrol to get home, literally.
The half FIAT I have owned was a LADA Niva - a small 4x4 that was half ripped off from FIAT, and half ripped off from Land Rover, surely a reliability basketcase, but in fact I never had any reliability problems with it. In fact the only problem I had with it, was that it ended up being too small - growing family doesn't fit in a small 4x4.

I have a propensity to get strange cars, and I have paid for that over the years. As a result I have broken down in varied places, and taken the wrong sort of car into other places too.

Maybe I should start another place just to record those? My life according to the wheels under me or something like that.

Anyway, breaky finished, have to get my shoes on and get to the train.


Monday, 25 July 2011

Uhhhhhhh ohhhhh eeerrrgghh

Well, not feeling great last night, and woke up this morning not feeling much better. So I am currently in bed trying not to have a headache, and trying not to be sick.

Did stay up a little last night to watch the Grand Prix - had hopes that Webber would do well, and the middle part of the race was looking good, but then something seemed to go not quite right as it often does with Mark, and he ended on the bottom step of the podium. Always thereabouts, but this season not quite having things fall his way.

Funny the way times change - there was a time when Webber and everyone watching would be overjoyed at a third place, but now both he and us expect more, so third is a little disappointing. Have to keep in mind that he came third out of the very best of drivers in the world! No small feat really.

Cadel Evans on the other hand rode a great time trial to finally pull of the big one in France. I thought it would be close with 57 seconds to make up, but was blown away to see him end about a minute and half up. Always knew he was a pretty decent time trialer, but but didn't think he had that much over the Shlecks.
So congrats to Cadel.

I am taking the opportunity, while I am sitting here in bed, to get some extra study done. This little computer (a 'netbook') is a wonderful little thing for me - it allows me to study almost anywhere. It sometimes gets a run on the train, if it is not too packed - I feel a bit guilty having it open and having my arms set out beside me to type, that unless I have a seat to myself, I don't bring it out. There just is not enough room to sit it forward far enough to not have my elbows beside me, and the seats are not wide enough for me to do that.
That, however, is not an issue here in bed. I can spread out a bit, and stay fairly warm half under the covers, and be cared for by my lovely and loving wife.
Anyone seen the "Man-cold" video....... ;~D

Anyway - back to study.


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Just realised....

.....that I have been at this a week already.

Most days I have posted a couple if times - I am pretty sure that will slack off over time, especially as I get more rushed with Sunday School restarting and the like. Should be cleaning up on Sunday morning right now, and in fact that is why the little pooter is even on, but then I thought I would check this first, and so another post happens.

In fact, although I am currently going through the book of Judges on Sunday mornings, I didn't last week, and this week is going to be away from it again too.
Starting in a passage from 2 Corinthians, but once again the specifics will follow tomorrow after the event. Don't want anyone getting a sneak peek. ;~D

Well, get a good night's rest tonight so you are ready and sparky for Church tomorrow - and if you don't go to a good, Bible based, Bible preaching, Hymn singing church, then you should change where you go.
Any Christian Church which relies on anything other than the Bible has no right calling themselves Christian.

So get in the Bible and stay there!


Last 'rest day' for a while.

Only one kid doing sport this weekend, and that was a netball game around 11.30 - so no rushing around to get going for all the sports. Well, there shouldn't have been, but since we didn't have to get everyone up and going we all slacked off, and ended up rushing Breakfast down - not a serious rush, but not a casual run either.

Next weekend we are back to the normal run - Mum off to Hockey, then Netball, me off to Rugby, and all meet back at home sometime mid afternoon.

The school hols have been kinda nice really, because no sport has meant a sleep in on Saturdays, which is something I haven't done in years!
Being a Pastor means no Sunday sleep ins, and work means no sleep in other days, and Sport means no sleep in Saturday.
I know I am no orphan in this - plenty of people don't get to sleep in.

I don't know, but every time I sit down to do this, it ends up being dinner time, or lunch time or whatever, and I have to do something. Right now it is time to carve the Pork for dinner - Roast! Yummo!

Gotta go, food's waiting for me to carve!


Friday, 22 July 2011

Good Friday Morning.

I know I don't need them I guess but post titles are hard to do - something other than just the same old same old.....

Been looking at design concepts - nothing specific, just general design - architectural, interior, landscaping, workstations, furniture - all sorts of things.
Make me want to design things.
Always wanted to design cars or planes - used to make all sorts of balsa model planes - flying ones.
Made a semi scale model of the WW2 Lancaster bomber - even put engine nacelles and wheels on it. Flew way to fast because it was too heavy.
Made models of things like x-wing and tie fighters from star wars - they flew too, but the tie fighter was a bit unstable and the x-wing was almost a dart.
Drew heaps of cars when I was growing up - some cartoon, but some more serious design attempts.
A few were pretty good too I thought, but most likely impractical.
Done entirely on looks with no regard to how a person would actually fit, or any of the systems that a car needs to actually work.

There is some impressive design around though - even in things as simple as a chair - very simple but really stylish designs, that even look like they might be comfortable.
Mind you some seriously silly looking lights and things too. One that was commended in an article was a ring with wires hanging down from the roof  and draped over the ring, with bare light bulbs on the end of the wires. They said it was stylish and modern, but to me it looked lazy and messy.

I guess it is a good thing that everyone is different, but that would never be in my home.

Some things are definitely not my style, but I can appreciate the design and style of them.
A desk set that was way too fussy looking for me, but I can see how well sorted the layout and design was.
I would rather have a different style.

I still doodle ideas and thoughts but most of them end up finding their way eventually to the bin.

I don't have the time, means, or skills, to make more of them than thoughts - and most probably wouldn't end up being worthwhile anyway.

Have a good day, and make time to read God's Word.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Dinner was lovely.

Hope your dinner is as well.

Two things that I don't understand.

1. People who think that facebook etc are somehow only public to those they want it to be.

I don't facebook - can't be bothered quite frankly, but I know people who do and sometimes they show me things that people have posted that they would never do or say in front of me, or at church.

For instance - people who come to church and act like good Christian people on Sunday, but on facebook, they swear, they "like" worldly and sometimes outright immoral people and things, they link to websites that they would never talk about at church, and they post photos that they would not show at church.

Now, we all know that people put on masks and act somewhat differently at church to outside - we shouldn't but we do. But this is making publicly known that they are living a double life. It is almost like walking in to church one Sunday and loudly proclaiming to everyone there that you nightclub, drink, and do drugs.

Do they not realise that anyone who is their "friend" can see all that?

2.  People who think that commitment is a scary word.
This in churches becomes really obvious - you can't impose upon people because they are volunteers. People are committed to their work because otherwise they don't get paid.
But Church.... People say they will help out with something, but then just don't turn up at the time appointed. don't come to Sunday services, just because it is too cold, or too early, or too hot, or whatever.
I don't consider myself unusual, but my wife and I have always gone to church when the doors are open.
And when I volunteered to teach Sunday School, or lead in the kids club, or sing the choir, we were there every week - unless we were seriously unwell.

Now let me say that in both these things I am not perfect - I do not always act like a Christian the way I should, and I do not always feel like going to Church, but do I try.

WAKE UP FOLKS - facebook is public - next time your Pastor looks at you and little cloud comes over his brow, maybe you should wonder if he has been looking at your facebook.
And next time your Pastor has a slightly sad look on his face that shows through the smile he puts on, maybe you should wonder if it is because you weren't there last week.

Bobby was lying in bed trying desperately to ignore the fact that his alarm had already gone off. His mum stuck her head into his room and said "Come on Bobby, you have to get up and go to church."
Bobby answered "I don't want to go. Nobody there likes me, nobody listens to me, no-one talks to me after church - I can't see any good reason to go."
Bobby's mum replied to him "I know it can be discouraging sometimes, but I am sure it is not as bad you say. And besides you are the Pastor so you have to go!!!!!"



Computers are great......

.......when they work!

Wednesday nights are always a bit busy for me, and when we got home I just wanted to veg for a bit.

Then this morning our modem was playing silly games with me - it said we were connected, but no other programs agreed. I didn't have time to fluff with it, so I finished breakfast (Yogurt this morning!) and left for work.
Pooter at work has decided to go on a selective go-slow for some reason - it just slows right down in the middle of an activity, seemingly for no reason. I start to do something in the cad package, and have to wait for - well 10-15 seconds sometimes - before I can proceed to finish the process.

I get home and everything appears to be running fine now - so we have a other little post - and it is little, because now that I have sat down it is time to cut the bread for dinner. So up I get to cut the bread so we can all have some lovely stew.
If I haven't mentioned it before now, my wife is a REEEAAAALLLLYYY good cook.
And I am a pretty good eater - another reason we make a good combo.



Wednesday, 20 July 2011

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.....

Sing the title to the tune of the seven dwarves "Hi Ho" song.

Wednesday heading our way very quickly.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast time slips by. The Bible says life is but a vapour, and it certainly seems that - and more and more as I get older. We are already half way through this week, and already half way through this year - and according to Psalm 90:10 I am already a little more than half way through my life.

I guess the thought in my heart right now is that this life is short, and you must take the opportunities while they present themselves.
I have often not done this, and I know that I regret much in that regard.
I guess it is not too late for some opportunities - but I still let many slip by.

I have let aspects of my job slip by that could have given me far better standing now.
I have let educational opportunities go ungrasped.
I have missed times to compliment and encourage my wife and kids.
I have not done the artworks I should have.
I have not been as studious in my music as I could be.

Some of these I regret deeply, but some of them are still available - lost time but not totally lost oportunity.

There are a few that I did not let pass me by. I asked my now wife to marry me 22 and a half years ago, and she for some totally unknown reason said yes. I have not regretted that at all - We share a love that I rarely see around me in others.
I took the chance early in my working life to get out of manual labour and into an office job. I regret having to work inside all the time, but not the way it has provided for me and my family over the years.

I also took the opportunity to ask the Lord to save me when He challenged my heart.

Eph 2:8-9
(8)  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(9)  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Salvation is a gift from God - I am so glad that ll I had to do was admit to God that I am a sinner and trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save me, asking the Lord to forgive me my sins.

I didn't have to keep some rules, or ride my bike far enough, or knock on enough doors, or be lucky enough to make the grade somehow.

I only had to trust that God is good enough to keep His Word, and powerful enough to pay the price for me, and that He loved me in spite of my being a sinner.

Salvation is not in any church, or by doing enough good things, or by keeping to the rulebook - it is by grace through faith, and a free gift given to any who would receive it.

Lots of opportunities have gone by, but the two greatest loves of my life have not - the Lord and my wife. 

I hope that you can search your Bible and find the truth of God's salvation, and I hope that you can have the greatest earthly love that any person can have.

By the way Proverbs 20 today - get it into you.

(And Wednesday is prayer meeting night for us - get to it folks. Find your local Bible preaching church and get involved. If they preach the Bible ALONE you will find salvation there.)


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Today was an interesting day

Started off with my walk to the train.

Looked like the trees were poking their heads up from under the ocean of mist like dolphins playfully coming up for air, as the clouds in the distance crash on the hills like waves upon the shore.

The photo doesn't do it justice, but it was really nice.

Day at work was frustrating really - but I made it through OK.
Finally got home about 12 hours after I left this morning, had a quick dinner and then had to go down the chemist. Have to go and pick up number one son from work in a while.
The life of a Dad!!!!

But I appreciate the walk - I like to have time alone to think, and while it is not my ideal, I do like to have that time.
Would rather sit on the rocks near the ocean - I really like to find a spot and sit and read my Bible and meditate - but an early morning walk is an OK standby.

My wife is baking while watching a good old fashioned series the kids bought her for her birthday.
Very shortly the smells of sweets baking will be wafting through the house and my mouth will be watering uncontrollably. I feel the need for a coffee to have with whatever comes out of the oven!!!!

Enjoy your evening (or day if you are in that part of the world), and don't forget to spend time with the Lord.


Good morning.

I realised last night that my time stamp was wonky, and that might confuse some - I am in Western Australia and it was set to some sort of US time I think - now it is set to WA time, which means that I am not going to work late Sunday evening!

No, I work more or less regular hours, although when I am on song I start work around 6.30am. My hours are flexible though and right now I am having trouble getting out of bed early enough. In fact Last week there was one day when I didn't get in until 9.45!
I did sleep in, ignored the alarm (Big mistake of course), so I decided to drive in instead of taking the train. Left home at about 7.30, hit the freeway and did not top 40kph all the way to town. In fact most of it was walking pace. Don't know what the cause was, but it was raining a bit and here in Perth people go into intense panic mode when it rains. It seems as though it must be some incredibly dangerous thing to have a bit of wet stuff on the road here, so everyone goes extra slow - except the few that crash into things thereby propagating the myth.
Now I am a fairly conservative driver - I don't follow close, try not to speed, etc -  but I don't hang around and waste time either. and I do take it a little easy in the rain too - although my car has selectable constant 4x4 for that, which I do use. The thing that annoys me is that people drive 20kph below the speed limit on a free flowing freeway, just because it is raining. Maintain the gap for sure, even increase the gap for safety, but nothing is going to jump out in front of you on a freeway! And if you are watching ahead in the traffic then you can easily anticipate any slow downs.

Anyway - it is time I started walking to the train.

Enjoy your coming day, and get your nose into the Word sometime today.


Monday, 18 July 2011

Another day, another 50 cents!!!

Used to be "Another day another dollar", but after tax........

Actually, I thankfully don't earn enough to be taxed that highly, but it still never seems to be enough.

It is funny what people think about my life - the people at work all say "It must be great to only work part time". I used to just let it go, but sometimes I now remind people that part time work comes with part time pay.

I am glad of the work, but I wish I had more time to put to the ministry. It really is a juggling act, playing off time to serve, with money to serve food to the kids!!!!

I know there are certainly some so called preachers who make millions and rip people off, but for the average conservative, fundamental, Bible believing preacher of a small church, there is not much money in this. Good thing I am NOT in it for the money then, hey?

I am in this because the Lord called me to preach the Gospel, and whether I gain from it or not is of little consequence. If I have to work a secular job for the rest of my life to pay the bills while I keep preaching and serving the Lord, then I will. I will grumble about it on occasion, but I will do it, and most of the time I will do it without regret.

That is something else about the ministry - people sometimes think that a Pastor never struggles spiritually. I've got news for you - Pastors are people too. We have 'up' days and 'down' days, but overall I hope I can trust the Lord well. We have days where reading the Bible is a serious chore (and even days where we 'forget' to read it - but don't tell anyone), and days when it is a serious joy. Days when prayer comes easy, and days when we need the Spirit to intervene on our behalf.

By the way, Proverbs 18 was an enjoyable read today.
A quick question in regard to the book of proverbs - how many chapters in the book of Proverbs? 31.
How many days in most months? 31 - Co-incidence? I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!

If you ever have any trouble choosing what to read for the day, look at the calendar and choose the chapter of Proverbs with the number of the day - today, the 18th chapter.

By the way - I am preaching through Judges on Sunday mornings right now, and we are starting chapter 6 - that means Gideon - I am so much enjoying studying this section out.

Have fun, and enjoy reading proverbs 18!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just woke up - late - scoffing down some toast and typing one handed!

Have to start walking to the train as soon as I get my shoes on!

Have a great day, and don't forget to read your Bible today!


Sunday, 17 July 2011

A great evening service

We had a great evening service - although some I had hoped would be there did not turn up, we had a couple of guests from a nearby church, and all in all we had more for our evening than our morning.

It was great also because we had a guest preacher - Steve Brown from - I'm sorry the town name escapes me, but somewhere near Dallas Texas.
A good message, a good challenge, and a really nice guy to top it all off.

At the invitation many came froward to allow the Lord to deal with them, and one young lady who was uncertain made sure of her salvation.

And to finish off our weekend I have spent the evening sitting on the lounge with the Love of my life watching a couple of episodes of the BBC series of Hornblower. Really enjoyed it - a bit of fighting and action, lots of intrigue, and wonderful footage of fine square rigged sailing boats.

Off to bed soon, because I have to be up early to get to the paying job - have to pay most of the bills somehow.....

Enjoy your week, and keep your eyes on the Lord.

The Great Australian Bight looking west.
I was so happy with the way this photo came out - taken with my mobile phone of all things - yes it is not fine, high quality photography, but I think it is pretty good for me with a phone.

This, by the way, is not a sight that many Aussies have seen - it is just too far for most people to drive. Having said that plenty have seen it, just not many in the big scheme of things.

The run across the Nullabor, which is the only way to cross Australia by highway is not a hard drive, just long. 

Would love to do it across the middle (4x4 only) but that sort of trek I simply don't have the time, equipment, or money to do.

However the Nullabor crossing is a great drive which everyone should do at least once - although for some people once is enough.

And I also would love to do the crossing over the top - travelling North from Perth, heading across Northern Territory, and coming back down through North Queensland. It is paved all the way, but can be a more difficult drive apparently - especially if the weather is not great. Hope to do that one in about two years time.

One thing I think I want to let people know is that Australia is great, and that Western Australia is greater than the rest.

But that of course is just my opinion.

But here my opinion counts!

Back from Church!

Preached from Philippians 2:19-21
(19)  But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state.
(20)  For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state.
(21)  For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.

Basically, most Christians are just way too selfish to the serve the Lord - I still can't believe that of the people following Paul at the time, sitting under his preaching, and learning at his feet, there was only one, young Timothy, who was not seeking his own, but was seeking the things of Christ.

We see it heaps today, but I just think that to sit under his preaching and ministry you could not help but be on fire for the Lord - but then again sinful flesh is what it is. It is only when we lean fully on Him that we can overcome it. And of course when He changes us "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye..."

Have a great Lord's day, and get back to fellowship with Him and your local church tonight too!


Morning all!

Well, all so far seems to be just me, but that's OK.

This blogging bit is a bit fun I think. I am sure this will settle into a more steady run eventually, but for now we'll just see where it leads us.

Still have to figure out how to put up pics, but the basic help seems to make sense - if you bother to follow them properly.......

As I said, this weekend has been a little bit gentle really, and today is no different - have been up long enough to look over this morning's message and am relatively happy with it so far. They never come out quite the same way as I envisage, but the Lord leads along if I am willing to follow.

I might post up a summary later, but wouldn't want to give anyone a preview - not that anyone is following me anyway.

Now then - the Dumb Bloke bit?

Pretty easy really - As any woman knows, the vast majority of us blokes might be intelligent, but we often are not very smart. I mean, we can do all sorts of stuff like fixing basic stuff on cars, changing light bulbs, maybe to some floor tiling, painting walls, gardening things even if that's your bit.
We can often control our dogs, do our work effectively, handle the bills and payments, and generally keep out of trouble. Most of us can even sweep and wash floors, do dishes, and a few of us can even run a clothes washer. (Not mt by the way - I can only do that by remote control - the wife giving me instructions along the way.....).
Some of us are even more than competent in the kitchen, and could survive a few weeks at least without someone cooking for us - even if the pizza shop stopped delivering.

But me, I can put my foot in my mouth right up to the knee with the greatest of ease. I just seem to know how to say the wrong thing, especially to my wife.

Now don't get me wrong - we love each other dearly, and have a great marriage - I just don't know how to give the right answers or when and how to make certain suggestions.
And then I get the 'tension' thing, which of course leads to the question which no man should ask, and the answer which no man wants to hear.
"What's wrong darling?"

Now at this point I know I am in trouble, and the best course would be to let it settle down and go out and buy some flowers or something - but I am a dumb bloke, so I have to continue.

"No, I know something is wrong, so what is it?"

To which the answer normally begins with "Well, if you must know...."

Yep blokes are just dumb - first of all to be that inconsiderate - and normally it is entirely due to me own thoughtlessness - and then not to just fix the problem ASAP!
And most of it can be easily fixed by being a bit more considerate and thoughtful.

Guys, come on - think about her a little bit more often, an d maybe on occasion do something without her having to ask. That is gonna be hard, but try to look at the floor on occasion and think to yourself "I wonder if that needs a sweep?" and then think to yourself a far more important question - "I wonder if she would think it needs a sweep?"

Chances are that if you can still see a good portion of the floor then you think it is fine, but she sees things differently.
So try not to be a dumb bloke too much - you will never get away from what you are, but try to be the mot considerate dumb bloke you can be.
She will love you more, and you will end up loving her more too.

Php 2:3-4
(3)  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
(4)  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Back again - installment number 2!

Very short break away - a little bit of fine tuning for tomorrow's message, but this week things are fairly gentle for me. School Holidays over here for two weeks, so we are not having Sunday School - One lesson that I don't have to prepare for - and we are having a guest preacher Sunday Night - a guy named Steve Brown from the US of A! He is over here on a social visit and we have managed to snare him for a service. SO no prep for the evening message either.

Perth is apparently the most isolated capital city in the world, and since it isn't really on the way anywhere, we don't get many visiting preachers come through. You really have to be coming here to get here - it is just not the place where people stop on the way to elsewhere.

That is a huge shame by the way, because Western Australia is simply beautiful, and Perth is a very pretty city. Our beaches are some of the best in the world, our river is one of the nicest in the world (although only a stream compared to some of the biggies!), and today, in the middle of winter we had a beautiful sunny day, cool air, and simply a lovely place to be. Right now it is a comfortable temp (not sure exactly) and we don't have the heater on.

Yes, I love this place, and am thankful that the Lord has placed me here - although my personal preference would be to be a little further south - the South West of WA is lovely.

Anyway, when we have the opportunity of a Bible preacher coming to visit with us, I take it. Must be straight down the line, and fully Bible based of course - and KJV - but when I find someone that comes with a good recommendation who is available, I give my people a rest from my preaching.

The other nice thing this weekend is that the kids have a break from their sports too. Don't get me wrong, I love their sports, and enjoy watching them play, but with a job, church, and family, it is hard to find time to rest - I have slept in the last two days - stayed in bed until 8.15, which is unheard of for me over the last six or seven years at least.

Oh well, I guess it is time to put myself to bed, and get some rest in preparation for tomorrow.

And if you are not going to a good Bible based, Bible preaching, non-charismatic church this Sunday morning, then you are spiritually starving yourself. And there is nothing good that comes from spiritual junk food either, so find a good church that preaches straight from the Bible and have a spiritual feast tomorrow!

The beginning of..... ummmmm...... something!

Not sure what exactly, not sure what I want to achieve with this really, but I thought maybe just put some stuff down and see where we end up.

I guess to begin with a little about me, and why my thoughts would be in the slightest bit interesting to anyone.
I am a middle aged bloke, happily married with four kids, living in Perth, Western Australia.
I am also a Pastor of a fundamental, non charismatic, Bible based, independent, local Church.
I love good art, but have never really done much of it since I left school.
Like 4x4ing, but with a job to pay the bills, the work of a Pastor, and the duties of a husband and father of four, get little time to actually use my 4x4.
Enjoy fishing too, but do that even less often if that is possible.

I don't facebook etc, and visit few forums, and those I do visit, I visit rarely.

Don't know how much I will keep this up, and don't know if I will have discussions or just yell at everyone with no place for recourse - just dunno right now - but we will see.

I am sure I will settle into something, and I hope it will be somewhat interesting to someone, and hopefully even profitable and encouraging for some.

I certainly don't intend for this to be all doctrine, although I will probably get a bit preachy on occasion, and I may post some photos of our travels - have a good photo of the Great Australian Bight to put up when I figure out how.......
I will probably get a little silly on occasion too - hence the name Skellibert - which comes from a combination of an old nickname and a Lego man character that my kids wanted me to use on the Lego site when they were little.

Oh well, I guess for installment number 1 that will have to do.

Have a good night all,
