Wednesday, 20 July 2011

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.....

Sing the title to the tune of the seven dwarves "Hi Ho" song.

Wednesday heading our way very quickly.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast time slips by. The Bible says life is but a vapour, and it certainly seems that - and more and more as I get older. We are already half way through this week, and already half way through this year - and according to Psalm 90:10 I am already a little more than half way through my life.

I guess the thought in my heart right now is that this life is short, and you must take the opportunities while they present themselves.
I have often not done this, and I know that I regret much in that regard.
I guess it is not too late for some opportunities - but I still let many slip by.

I have let aspects of my job slip by that could have given me far better standing now.
I have let educational opportunities go ungrasped.
I have missed times to compliment and encourage my wife and kids.
I have not done the artworks I should have.
I have not been as studious in my music as I could be.

Some of these I regret deeply, but some of them are still available - lost time but not totally lost oportunity.

There are a few that I did not let pass me by. I asked my now wife to marry me 22 and a half years ago, and she for some totally unknown reason said yes. I have not regretted that at all - We share a love that I rarely see around me in others.
I took the chance early in my working life to get out of manual labour and into an office job. I regret having to work inside all the time, but not the way it has provided for me and my family over the years.

I also took the opportunity to ask the Lord to save me when He challenged my heart.

Eph 2:8-9
(8)  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(9)  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Salvation is a gift from God - I am so glad that ll I had to do was admit to God that I am a sinner and trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save me, asking the Lord to forgive me my sins.

I didn't have to keep some rules, or ride my bike far enough, or knock on enough doors, or be lucky enough to make the grade somehow.

I only had to trust that God is good enough to keep His Word, and powerful enough to pay the price for me, and that He loved me in spite of my being a sinner.

Salvation is not in any church, or by doing enough good things, or by keeping to the rulebook - it is by grace through faith, and a free gift given to any who would receive it.

Lots of opportunities have gone by, but the two greatest loves of my life have not - the Lord and my wife. 

I hope that you can search your Bible and find the truth of God's salvation, and I hope that you can have the greatest earthly love that any person can have.

By the way Proverbs 20 today - get it into you.

(And Wednesday is prayer meeting night for us - get to it folks. Find your local Bible preaching church and get involved. If they preach the Bible ALONE you will find salvation there.)


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