Hope your dinner is as well.
Two things that I don't understand.
1. People who think that facebook etc are somehow only public to those they want it to be.
I don't facebook - can't be bothered quite frankly, but I know people who do and sometimes they show me things that people have posted that they would never do or say in front of me, or at church.
For instance - people who come to church and act like good Christian people on Sunday, but on facebook, they swear, they "like" worldly and sometimes outright immoral people and things, they link to websites that they would never talk about at church, and they post photos that they would not show at church.
Now, we all know that people put on masks and act somewhat differently at church to outside - we shouldn't but we do. But this is making publicly known that they are living a double life. It is almost like walking in to church one Sunday and loudly proclaiming to everyone there that you nightclub, drink, and do drugs.
Do they not realise that anyone who is their "friend" can see all that?
2. People who think that commitment is a scary word.
This in churches becomes really obvious - you can't impose upon people because they are volunteers. People are committed to their work because otherwise they don't get paid.
But Church.... People say they will help out with something, but then just don't turn up at the time appointed. don't come to Sunday services, just because it is too cold, or too early, or too hot, or whatever.
I don't consider myself unusual, but my wife and I have always gone to church when the doors are open.
And when I volunteered to teach Sunday School, or lead in the kids club, or sing the choir, we were there every week - unless we were seriously unwell.
Now let me say that in both these things I am not perfect - I do not always act like a Christian the way I should, and I do not always feel like going to Church, but do I try.
WAKE UP FOLKS - facebook is public - next time your Pastor looks at you and little cloud comes over his brow, maybe you should wonder if he has been looking at your facebook.
And next time your Pastor has a slightly sad look on his face that shows through the smile he puts on, maybe you should wonder if it is because you weren't there last week.
Bobby was lying in bed trying desperately to ignore the fact that his alarm had already gone off. His mum stuck her head into his room and said "Come on Bobby, you have to get up and go to church."
Bobby answered "I don't want to go. Nobody there likes me, nobody listens to me, no-one talks to me after church - I can't see any good reason to go."
Bobby's mum replied to him "I know it can be discouraging sometimes, but I am sure it is not as bad you say. And besides you are the Pastor so you have to go!!!!!"
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