Monday, 22 August 2011

Down day.

Have been having some trouble figuring out what to write about  lately.

I guess part of the trouble is that I have been feeling really flat.
Didn't want to complain and carry on here - no-one wants to hear that.

But you know what? This world is full of people putting on masks and acting like everything is always rosey.

Maybe that's part of the reason why people are afraid of being depressed.
Everywhere they look they see people looking happy and life going grand for everyone else, but not for them. They never see people being unhappy and just getting on with life as though it was part of life.

And so, being depressed has become a problem.

Don't get me wrong - some people DO have a problem with depression. But most of what people regard as problem depression is just life.

Right now I am feeling quite depressed - there is no apparent reason for it - I am just a bit down.
But tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe not until next week, I will be back on track.
No need to worry about it.
Just get on with life, and be content to not be happy for a day or two, and try to make the best of it.

You know it is alright to not be happy every minute of every day.
In fact if you are always happy, then happy becomes normal, and there is no further up to go to when good stuff comes.

That, to me, sounds depressing.

People need to realise that life has ups and downs. Live through the downs, and enjoy the ups when they come.
And they will come.

The trick is to not worry about the downs. Deal with them, get on with what has to be got on with, and continue.

There is something far more important than constant happiness, and it is called 'contentment'.

You know, I can be content even while I am depressed.

I can rejoice in knowing that the God of Heaven watches over me, even while I feel down.

Paul said that he had learned in whatsoever state he was, to be content.

It is a little like women who go to someone else's house and then when they get home they get depressed because that person's house is beautifully kept and their own house is often not perfect. They don't realise that, the house they just visited is just like their own really, and not perfect all the time - it just "becomes" perfect in preparation for visitors. So all the women out there think that every other woman is a better housekeeper than they are.

So also people think that everyone else is happy all the time, but they are not.

Well, let me tell you - this is one bloke who is not always happy, and is sometimes depressed, but I am not unhappy about it!

Get real folks - don't worry about being a bit down - go with, work through it, and come back up later today, or maybe tomorrow - or even next week - but keep your eyes on the Lord and keep the world in perspective, and it will all be fine.

Really it will.



(I fell better already, just sharing that! I hope that someone else feels better about it too.)

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