But this week has been a week full of days like that.
You know the days where you are constantly busy but don't seem to get anything actually done?
I have done lots in one way, but not the important stuff.
For instance, I have written out about 30 pages of study this week on two different subjects.
I have dropped into a nice method of spending Monday doing subject studies, rather than doing specific preaching studies.
So this week I spent time doing that on Monday, but I was late actually getting started because I had to stop and get some things that are needed for a ladies' meeting this Saturday.
Tuesday I didn't get down to church until late in the day, because my wife had to get some other things for the Ladies' day, so I stayed home while the kids schooled. I did some more study at home, and I sorted out some things for the Website. But with the kids coming for things signed and that sort of stuff, it is hard to keep on topic - so not entirely successful.
Wednesday I had to finish off a study I am doing for a person with a particular question, because I wanted to hand it over at prayer meeting that night - the person couldn't make it in the end, so I could have left it till later in the week. But I also did some work on the message for Sunday.
Yesterday (Thursday) I had the whole family at church, because my wife is getting the hall ready for the Ladies' Meeting. My work was mostly based around that - moving the chairs out setting up tables, hanging things up etc. I did some study in between the other bits, but not really that much.
Today we will all be there again, so I don't know how much I will get done.
Saturday is our family day, with kids sport etc, so no time there.
At least not until the evening when I will stay up late to finish off, then get up early Sunday Morning to brush over it one more time and clean any ragged edges.
I hate that, but it is what normally happened when I was working - and this week has been filled with other stuff again.
It happens, but it is not what I plan on, and it is not the best way to go about things.
And I am used to being able to spend a bit more time in early study.
People don't realise what goes into this.
I rarely have a day where I don't do some study, and it is in fact rare that I don't spend some time every day at church.
I don't get a day off - and other preachers I know are the same - they talk about their day off being a Monday or a Friday or whatever day suits them, but all admit to going to church and doing stuff those days as well.
But I also don't mind the work - it is what the Lord has called me to, and He has given me a love for this work.
That doesn't mean that I don't get tired and run down, and occasionally downcast because of it, but that is the same with any job.
I am just blessed that this "job" is so much more than just a job, and that I am doing something that makes a difference and that I enjoy.
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