Tuesday, 27 May 2014

How much do we need our phones!!!!!

No, that's not a question. It is a statement.

My phone went in for repairs recently and I was given a loan phone for the duration.

This caused me problems..... no, it caused me inconvenience, for a couple of reasons.
First, it was a different brand, so it did things different. It scrolled up and down instead of across. It has "people" instead of "contacts".
It answers differently.
It even unlocks differently.

The biggest problem though is that it didn't recognize the contacts on my sim, nor anything on the sd card at all - and the internal memory was pitiful. I could only load one - yes one - app; so I had to choose carefully.

But I have my phone back now, and everything is back and the world is wonderful.

And that got me thinking - what did we do before we had such phones?

And how petty has life become when a changed phone can affect your life so much?

What is really important?

Certainly not whether you have the right phone. .......

Says me posting this from my newly repaired, and like new phone........

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

I was trying to see what this blogging stuff was all about....

Many, Many, MANY moons ago I decided to see what this blogging thing was all about, what was involved, and whether or not money could be earned from these things.

I personally was not interested, but someone I knew was looking for additional income, and a traditional job was not really acceptable.

So I said I would check it out.

At first I found it quite fun.

Then, I found it to be a little inconvenient.

Then I found it to be very inconvenient - time constraints, pooter problems, other things that were more important.

And to be perfectly honest, I was getting no following.
And no response was a little bit discouraging.

Not one person on the internet was finding what I had to say in the least bit interesting.

Now, that is not really a big deal until you realise that there are people who host photos of bunnies with pancakes on their head who have a HUGE following.
There was a guy who video'd a double rainbow who became world famous.
There are any number of silly, stupid, and insignificant things that people do or collect and display in the internet...... and my thoughts rank below them.......

How am I supposed to feel about that?

Good thing then that most of the time I don't take myself very seriously.......

Anyway, I am blogging again - a bit here, and a bit there, but doing it.

I will say though, that as far earning some extra cash goes, this has been a huge flop - my friend lost interest almost as soon as I put up my first post, so........

But I just remembered that I can check my "earnings" (giggle - earnings: Yeah Right..... ;) )

Well over the whole time, I have had really low view rates - because I am not as interesting as a bunny wearing a pancake hat - and in fact my total earnings have been 1c.
Yep one singular solitary cent.

I think what we can learn from that is that even with this sort of thing, one has to work a lot harder than I have bothered to if you want to make a living out of it.

Well, there's another 3 - 7 views over the next 12 days or until whenever I get to put something else up here.

Later folks....


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Not feeling great, not feeling bad......

Well, I've been not really well for about two weeks now - just a bit of a cold-flu thing, and nothing bad enough to make me feel sick.
But enough to make me feel not really well.
Low on energy, slightly gluggy feeling in the back of my throat which causes a bit of a cough, but when I cough it doesn't clear.
It is not enough to make me feel unwell, but I am just not on top of things.
Everything is an effort, everything asks for more energy than I seem to have.

And it is not enough to justify staying home from work, but it is hard to concentrate and keep my mind on the job.

The annoying thing about it is that I wish I would just get sick, or get better - but this half and half thing is just frustrating.

And I now realise that I am using this word "Frustrating" an awful lot lately.
And I have only just added two and two together and come up with four on this.
I am feeling frustrated with this silly half sick feeling, and that means that I am getting frustrated with all sorts of side issues - after all, you can't get angry at being unwell. And that means that I am taking out that frustration on other things.
I try not to, but......

Well at least I am glad I have a wife who loves me, and kids who put up with me.

I thank God for them.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Just 'cause I'm a dumb bloke, doesn't mean I don't see what people are up to......

Being a Pastor is hard sometimes.

You have to bite your tongue quite often, because you see people doing things that are not right, but if you step in too early, people won't understand why you have acted.
But then there are people who think that you should have acted sooner.

There are times when I have watched someone come in as a visitor, and then as they stay a while they wheedle their way into the friendship of some people, and then just quietly work away at them - dropping a word here, a hint there, questioning something that was preached, or something that was done.

Over the years I have both acted too swiftly and also too slowly.

One man came along for some weeks, and was friendly, but I was aware of something - not quite sure what at the time - but something that made me keep my eye on him.
After a couple of weeks, I saw him talking to people quietly in the corner, but only ever one on one.
It came to the point that he wanted me to baptise someone I had never met. We talked, and I said I would not.
The private talks with people increased. I was approached by one of the ladies in that church and told he was saying that I was preaching wrong stuff.
Eventually I told him that if he was not happy with my preaching, he should find another place to go.
He didn't want to find another place.
I told him that I wanted him to find another place.
He yelled at me, called me a few names, and left, never to be seen again.
This all happened over a few weeks - maybe 8 or 9.
Some people wondered why I had asked him to leave, but I acted with reasonable speed there, and when he blew up at me, everyone realised what he was.

Another time we had a lady coming along - when they started coming, everyone was really excited - we had not had any visitors for a long time, and they were desperate for anything.
But I was again wary.
She was enthusiastic, and happy - an effervescent type - and she seemed to be OK.
In spite of my concerns, she made her way into the friendships of many at church.
She was a visitor - but not a member - fr over 12 months, during which time she questioned a few things, but never really caused any trouble.
Until it came to the time when we do the Lord's supper. She was not invited to participate, and this offended her.
She became more an more belligerent, until one afternoon, before the evening service, she began questioning my wife. The questioning turned to attacking.
My wife handled herself well, but I did not step in quickly enough.
I should have stepped in way earlier that afternoon.
But it was suggested that she may be happier somewhere else.

There was another lady, a long time member of one church we were at, who was a continual root of bitterness in that church. Nothing was ever good enough, there was always something to complain about - and her favourite phrase was "Speaking the truth in love" - which she never did.
She thought that by saying that phrase, that meant that she could be as mean as she liked and people had to accept it "because she was only speaking the truth in love".
She even accused one of my kids of having a "holier than thou" attitude because he always tried to do the right thing.
She ended up accusing me, my wife, and my kids, of all sorts of things, which were just plainly untrue.
She said I was a poor leader - which by the way I agree with, just not for the reasons she put forth.

She eventually left because I wouldn't lose my temper at her - I spent much time with my wife, and in prayer, so that we would be able to humble ourselves and not get angry at her. This frustrated her so much that she left.

I guess the thing is that there always seems to be people who want to criticise the Pastor and his wife and children. The Pastor and his wife and kids always seem to be under attack.

But people think I don't see this happening because I rarely let it show.

I do a lot of watching and listening, and very little reacting.

I have to be this way - if I reacted every time I heard someone - or about someone - talking critically of me or my family, I would do nothing but react.

But I see people talking and looking sideways at me to see where I am and if I might be close enough to hear.
I get reports - often innocently - from others who casually mention something either unthinkingly, or simply unaware of what is going on - but I pick up on what this person says, and what that person says, and what the other person says, and when you add them together you get a picture.
I see the looks on people's faces when I am preaching - sometimes it is all I can do not to laugh.

There are so many clues to what people are up to that they don't want me to know about.
And then there are those who keep stuff top secret and then get offended when I don't know about it.....

I seem to get things wrong more than right, that's for sure, but I do see a lot, and I weigh up the pros and cons of action, and when to and when not to.

But one thing I have learned - no matter what I do, there will be someone who thinks I did it wrong, and they tend to be more vocal than those who think I got it right.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Some days are just like that.

But this week has been a week full of days like that.

You know the days where you are constantly busy but don't seem to get anything actually done?

I have done lots in one way, but not the important stuff.

For instance, I have written out about 30 pages of study this week on two different subjects.
I have dropped into a nice method of spending Monday doing subject studies, rather than doing specific preaching studies.
So this week I spent time doing that on Monday, but I was late actually getting started because I had to stop and get some things that are needed for a ladies' meeting this Saturday.
Tuesday I didn't get down to church until late in the day, because my wife had to get some other things for the Ladies' day, so I stayed home while the kids schooled. I did some more study at home, and I sorted out some things for the Website. But with the kids coming for things signed and that sort of stuff, it is hard to keep on topic - so not entirely successful.
Wednesday I had to finish off a study I am doing for a person with a particular question, because I wanted to hand it over at prayer meeting that night - the person couldn't make it in the end, so I could have left it till later in the week. But I also did some work on the message for Sunday.
Yesterday (Thursday) I had the whole family at church, because my wife is getting the hall ready for the Ladies' Meeting. My work was mostly based around that - moving the chairs out setting up tables, hanging things up etc. I did some study in between the other bits, but not really that much.
Today we will all be there again, so I don't know how much I will get done.
Saturday is our family day, with kids sport etc, so no time there.
At least not until the evening when I will stay up late to finish off, then get up early Sunday Morning to brush over it one more time and clean any ragged edges.

I hate that, but it is what normally happened when I was working - and this week has been filled with other stuff again.
It happens, but it is not what I plan on, and it is not the best way to go about things.
And I am used to being able to spend a bit more time in early study.

People don't realise what goes into this.
I rarely have a day where I don't do some study, and it is in fact rare that I don't spend some time every day at church.
I don't get a day off - and other preachers I know are the same - they talk about their day off being a Monday or a Friday or whatever day suits them, but all admit to going to church and doing stuff those days as well.

But I also don't mind the work - it is what the Lord has called me to, and He has given me a love for this work.
That doesn't mean that I don't get tired and run down, and occasionally downcast because of it, but that is the same with any job.
I am just blessed that this "job" is so much more than just a job, and that I am doing something that makes a difference and that I enjoy.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

God is good.

Well, God is good.

The other day we got a knock on the door and it was a grocery delivery van.
The guy had some stuff for us, but we told him he had the wrong place.
He checked and the address was right - then he said the name - someone we know on the other side of the -country had ordered the stuff to be delivered.

Php_4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

People don't realise what the true value of this is - the items are good, but the knowledge that someone cares and is praying for us is what is most important.

And it shows again that God is in control........


Friday, 2 May 2014

Things look better sometimes.

Nothing has changed.

But I have a far better outlook on things right now.

You know, sometimes things just build up and weigh you down.

And if you get your eyes off the Lord and onto the circumstances, then it can all get to be too much.

I remember my Pastor saying at one stage saying that when people say "I am alright under the circumstances", he thinks to himself "Well what are you doing under the circumstances?"

The thing is, we only really worry when we forget:
Rom_8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The key here is that if we know and love God then He is control of all things of our life and WILL work those things for our best.
The problem is that what we think is best and what is actually best is not always the same thing.

An Illustration: when my second son was quite young, he wanted a chain saw - It was his opinion that the best thing for him would be a chain saw - it was my opinion that a chain saw would not be the best for him - I think with my greater knowledge of things chainsaw and things Jonathan, that maybe I knew best.

Sometimes we don;t know what is best for us, but God always does.

And sometimes what is actually best for us is not enjoyable for us now, but is for our best.
2Co_4:17  For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 

I guess this is pretty heavy for a thoughts from a dumb bloke post, but sometimes my mind drifts to such things.......


Friday, 25 April 2014

How am I supposed to feel?????

Right now because of our peculiar situation, I am not earning enough money to give my family the things they need, nor am I allowed to do so.

And there are those who blame me for not providing for my family in the way that any decent man wants to be able to do.

But when a man is not able to provide for his family in even the basic things, how is that man supposed to feel?

Sometimes it is so hard to walk this path.....

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Walk a while....

Decided to take a little walk today.

My second son is going on a missions trip to Vanuatu later this year, and so as part of the preparation I decided he should take a walk with me.
Only a little walk - about 12km.

He will walk much farther than that on his trip, and through bush and jungle.
We walked along paths and roadside dirt.

As we began our walk, he was saying things like "Oh yes, I understand it will be a long way" and other such things. I laughed gently to myself and thought "Yeah, his head understands it is a long walk, but I wonder what his feet will think of it in about two hours time.

I used to walk a fair bit - 5km to work and 5km back again, each day.
But it has been a while since I did much of that.
I do, however have some idea of walking with a backpack.

I will say that By about the three quarters mark we both were well and truly over the whole thing, but we were committed - some would say we should have been committed for trying it...

Anyway, we got there.
A few blisters on the feet, sore feet, aching legs, and my back, courtesy of the old injury, is not feeling 100% but we did it.

And he has a different appreciation of what he will be in for in a few months time.

We will walk some more - he needs it to prepare, and I could use the fitness.
But not this week. maybe not next week either - it might just wait until the memory has faded a little.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Sometimes I wake up grumpy

Sometimes I wake up grumpy.

Sometimes I don't wake up grumpy - but things conspire almost immediately I open my eyes to make the grump well up inside me.

And sometimes the grumpy simply grows through the day, waiting for the moment to be unleashed.

I know that I am in control of how I react to things, but sometimes it doesn't seem much like it.

Anyway, I am grumpy today - for one of the three reasons above (but I am not saying which), and hopefully by writing it down here, I can circumvent the grumpy escaping.............

Have a good day,

I'm not so far, but hopefully you can - whoever you are......


Thursday, 17 April 2014

The occasional blogger

I feel like I am a bit of a "drive by blogger" at the moment - only occasionally get here to throw something together, and even then they don't all actually get up here.....

Lots of things going on right now that are keeping me busy and/or distracted from things like this.

And let's face it - in the big scheme of things, this doesn't rate very highly in importance.

Even when  was regularly posting here no one read it, so I am sure it having very little impact on anyone's life.

But that really wasn't the point anyway.

And of course, it is a bit circular in that - no one reads unless there is something at least vaguely interesting, and if I am posting only because people read then......

Well this particular post is yet another that has basically nothing of substance, but it is the thoughts that are running around this dumb bloke's head as I sit here.........

Have a good day,


Friday, 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day

 I love my wife.

I probably don't tell her often enough, and I definitely don't show her often enough, but I do.

I love her.

We do not have the perfect marriage by a loooooong stretch, but we do a pretty good job of it.

The thing is, I watch other couples and I wonder how they manage to live with the obvious tension they have.
I wonder how they can survive with the constant fighting, the argumentative atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong - we have our "moments of intense fellowship" as I have heard it described, and there are times when we don't actually like each other much - I know that sounds shocking - but we never stop loving each other.

You see, true love is not a feeling, but a decision.

That probably sounds strange to some, but it is true.
True love is being there when she needs you, regardless of whether you feel like it or not.

True love is putting her first, and if she loves you, she will put you first.
That way you both end up caring more for each other than yourself, and you both look after each other.
That brings you closer.

We have been married for 25 years now, and I love her more now than I did the day we married.

And let me also say, with the decision to love regardless of feelings, the feelings only get stronger.
I don't love her because I feel in love with her, I feel in love with her because I choose to love her.

And I praise God that He brought us together, and I am thankful every day that she said yes - although I still don't understand why she did.

I put it down to temporary insanity on her part........

Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 is here

Day 2 of 2014 and the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west.
Yesterday we had a family day - didn't do anything overly exciting.
Played a few games and relaxed.
Had a BBQ for lunch in our back yard under the shade sail.
It was a nice time.

Today it is back to work - so off to church for some study and setting out a few things - getting ready for the first Sunday service of the year and hoping to give our people a real direction and purpose for the coming year.

I am excited about what the Lord has in store.